Jangalati, Haroa, Dist: North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, IN

Helpline: 9735985567/ 8001447995, Admission: 8282822295, Office ( Manager ) 8282822274, Pharmacy: 9732744199 info@tahiriahospital.com


Pathological Investigations

pathology-equipmentAt Tahiria Hospital the pathology department runs daily and is been loaded with the best and the next full automated instrument and machine for the testing of the samples of the patients.

Routine Lab Investigations with most modern automation and opinion by experienced senior Pathologist & Microbiologists

We have a computerized pathology, equipped with Semi-auto Analyzer, Eliza Reader, Microtome, Floating Bath, Hot Air Oven, Microscope, Incubator, Centrifuge, Colorimeter, Micro-pipette etc.

In this section all general pathological tests on Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Serology, Clinical Pathology and Histopathology are tested by an experienced and trained technician under the guidance of MD Pathologist at a minimum cost.

Pathological Tests commonly done:

  • Albumin
  • ABO Rh / Groping Rh
  • Absulute Eosinophil count
  • ADA
  • ADA-LDH-Pap Stain(Body Fluid)
  • AFB Flourescent Microscopy
  • Aldehyde
  • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
  • Allergy (Blood)
  • Allergy (Drug)
  • Amylase
  • ANF
  • Anti DS DNA
  • Anti ss DNA Antibody
  • APTT
  • ASO Titre
  • Biopsy / Section
  • Bilirubin
  • BT CT
  • C. K. M. B.
  • C. P. K.
  • CA-125(Ovarian Antigen)
  • Calcium
  • CEA
  • Cholesterol
  • Complete Haemogram
  • Creatinine
  • CRP
  • Dengue IgM & IgG
  • Direct Coomb`s test
  • Electrolyte Profile
  • Eosinophil Count
  • ESR
  • FSH
  • FT3
  • FT4
  • G6Pd
  • HAV IgM
  • HAVA
  • HB A1C
  • HB Electrophoresis
  • Hb SAg
  • HCV
  • HIV I &II
  • HCV, HIV
  • Hb%
  • Hb% DC
  • Hb% TC
  • HDL
  • HPLC
  • Indirect coomb`s test
  • L. F. T.
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • LH
  • LH+FSH+Prolactin
  • LH-FSH
  • Lipase
  • Lipid Profile
  • Malaria Antigen
  • Mantouy test
  • Microfilaria
  • MP
  • NPN
  • PAP Smear/Pap Stain
  • PCV
  • Platelets Count
  • Phosphate
  • Potassium
  • Prolactin
  • PSA
  • PT / INR
  • RA
  • Reticulocyte Count
  • Rubela IGG
  • Rubela IGM
  • S. G. O. T.
  • S. G. P. T.
  • Semem Analysis
  • Sodium
  • Sputum for AFB
  • Stool for OBT
  • Stool for R/E
  • Stool for Reducing Sugar
  • Sugar (F/ R / PP)
  • T3
  • T3 T4 TSH
  • T4
  • TB IGG
  • TB IGM
  • TC
  • TC DC ESR Hb %
  • TC DC Hb%
  • Testosterone
  • Throat Swap
  • Torch test Antibody(Total)
  • Torch test Panel(total)
  • Total Protein
  • Toxoplasma IGG
  • Toxoplasma IgG &IgM
  • Toxoplasma IGM
  • Trigly ceride
  • TSH
  • TSH, T4
  • Typhi Dot IgG & IgM
  • Urea
  • Uric Acid
  • Urine for C/S / EachC/S
  • Urine for Pregcolor test
  • Urine for R/E
  • Urine Ac
  • Urine for Micro-albumin
  • Vaginal Smear for pap stain
  • VDRL
  • VLDL
  • Widal