Jangalati, Haroa, Dist: North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, IN

Helpline: 9735985567/ 8001447995, Admission: 8282822295, Office ( Manager ) 8282822274, Pharmacy: 9732744199 info@tahiriahospital.com

Notable Activities


Blind School for Boys

One of the notable works of Tahiria Welfare Trust is to establish Blind School for boys. We all are aware that without vision the whole world is dark and miserable to a person. He or she has to depend on others in every sphere of life. Even he or she is unable to raise a step.

So without vision life is dark, hopeless, meaningless and full of misery.  A blind boy or girl is a burden to his or her near and dear ones because they are unable to do anything.  From childhood they are cut-off  from the main stream of our society. They have to beg here and there to sustain life.

Being hurt by the miserable condition of the blind boys, the management of TWT especially Maulana Abdus Samad sb,  the General Secretary of the trust, could not sit silently. With his earnest desire, the TWT management established a blind school to enable the blind children in education with our love and care in 2010. We wished to make them enabled in the sphere of self-confidence and hopeful in their lives to become the graceful citizens of the country.

We started this school with 10 blind students at the beginning. Presently 21 blind boys who are hand-picked from  different part of West Bengal are being taught with Braille System by trained and devoted teachers. They are taught basic Bengali, English and Arabic.

12 students among them have completed Hifze Quran Sharif and they are now studying in A’lim course as well as modern education. After completion, these students will be established in the society and they will engage in different madrasah and masjid and will serve the society, Insha Allah.! So it is a great success of Tahiria Welfare Trust from a  social point of view. All the programmes for the blind are being directed with the help of benevolent persons and well-wishers.

Monthly expenses for a blind boy  is about Rs. 2500/-

Are there any kind-hearted brother or sister in our society who will take the responsibility of a Blind boy?
Come forward, Please!

Your assistance will be acknowledged gratefully!

Blind School for Boys

Blind School for Boys

House Reconstruction for poor people

Many brothers and sisters had lost their houses in the devastating cyclone ‘Aila’ . They had to take shelter under the open sky. During rainy season many people  in sundarban areas lost their houses.  At that miserable situation Tahiria Welfare Trust (TWT) constructed many houses for the homeless widows and poor people who were affected during the natural calamities. There are so many poor widows and poor brothers who need a shelter for their living.

Budget for a low cost house is about Rs. 80,000/-

Are there any kind-hearted brother or sister in our society who is interested to build a shelter for a homeless widow or a poor man ?

Come forward, Please! Your assistance will be acknowledged gratefully!


House Reconstruction for poor people affected by Alia Cyclone

House Reconstruction

Islamic Rituals

TWT has been providing gift pack every year at the time of Islamic Rituals like Ramadan and Eid from its establishment. There are many widows, orphans, poor and needy people who  remain unhappy due to poverty at the time of these occasions. To remove their sorrow Tahiria Welfare Turst provides food, sweets, Semai, Lachha and new clothes to them. These gift packs bring smile to their lips and they can enjoy the happiness of Ramadan and Eid with others in the society. So it may be called a great success from a social point view.

Social Projects

TWT very often organizes social projects like Food Distribution, Blanket and Winter-wear distribution among the widows, orphans and needy people in different villages of Bengal. We all are aware that food and clothes are basic need of a human being. Our trust frequently distributes food  packs containing  Rice, Dal, Potato. Mustard Oil, Biscuits etc among helpless widows, orphans and poor brothers of the society.During winters many orphans and widows suffer much due to lack of warm clothes.

They have to pass the winter season with shivering and  cold. TWT is also aware about them. So TWT has been distributing warm clothes     and blankets among poor, orphans  and distressed brothers and sisters of the society to give some solace to their hard lives. The concern people of society welcome such attempts of Tahiria Welfare Trust very much.

Come forward, Please! Your assistance will be acknowledged gratefully!


 Social Projects by twt

Social Projects


Medical Camps and Awareness Programme

Tahiria Welfare Trust very often organizes free medical camps at different places of the area. Free health check ups are done by our medical team. Apart from this, free medicines are also given to patients. As a result, thousands of patients are being benefited much. In addition to this, we organize awareness programmes on different health issues that are performed to save the people from dangerous diseases. We have been able to assist thousand and one patients with medicines and various pathological investigations without any cost, by our Hospital.

Emergency Assistance

TAHIRIA WELFARE TRUST has been helping the needy and helpless persons who have been flood affected during the rainy season since its establishment. We have provided the flood-affected people with food, clothes, medicines and tents etc. Medical camps were also conducted in the flood affected area.

The affected people were very happy to find such relief from TWT during their hardship.

Come forward, Please! Your donation will directly reach the needy!


Emergency Assistance provided by TWT

Emergency Assistance

Income Generating Projects

There are many helpless widows, brother and sisters who have no means to earn anything. Especially the condition of a widow family is very miserable. When the main earning member die, the family faces tremendous hardship.They pass their days somehow.  Many times they have to fast due to poverty.  Apart from this, there are many helpless poor brothers who is the main person of the family has no means to earn. They also pass their day with hardship.

Observing the situation, we had decided to run the Income Generating Project for the needy and poor persons of our locality so they can earn for livelihood of their family members.TWT has provided many income generation e.g. To provide sewing machine to widows and helpless brothers,  to provide van rickshaw, engine van rickshaw  to very poor brothers, to provide financial help to open a small shop or a small garments business etc.Through these projects they have been able to save their families from hardship.

These projects are very effective and necessary to develop the socio-economic condition of the downtrodden brothers and sisters of the society.

Budget for an income generation project is about Rs. 12,000/-  Sewing machine or a small shop.
Rs. 60,000/- is for a engine Van Rickshaw and
Rs 1,30,000/- for a Toto.

Are there any kind-hearted person who is interested to provide a means of income to a poor sister or brother?

Come forward, Please! Your assistance will be acknowledged gratefully.



Income Generating Projects innovated by TWT

Income Generating Projects